Guys, Please Don't Get the Wrong Impression (part 1)
“In the days when the judges ruled there was famine in the land…” – Ruth 1:1 Some days I feel like I live in the days of the Judges. I...

Align My Life - The Affections of My Wayward Heart
Confession: My heart is wayward. As wayward as they come. I’d love to say it is constant, faithful, loyal, and steadfast to what I know...

Naked Eyes
Six years ago a friend of mine got married. She was completely ecstatic and elated to finally be with the man she adored. And she adored...

Spiritual Trust Fall
When I was a kid my brother and I used to play this game. One of us would yell, “Trust fall!” The other would close their eyes and fall...

Renovation of My Heart :: Repentance, Confession, Belief, Life
As I examine the renovation of my heart Jesus doesn’t just leave me at repentance and surrender, he calls me to action, to belief. He...

The Renovation of My Heart :: The Gifts of Sanctification
Relationships, they have a way of bringing us to our knees and taking an honest look at the conditions of our heart. Recently, I’ve been...

My Need Is Deeper Still
I have need. I have deep, deep need. A need that begins and ends with Jesus. It seems as soon as I realize my neediness, I move into a...