Did Adam Swipe Left First?
Dating in the 21st century is challenging. Occasionally, among my friends, the topic of dating will arise amid long sighs and rolling...

Anna + Tony :: Lil Momma
In honor of Valentine's here's two Valentine's who will be welcoming a third lil lover very very soon. After living with these two for a...

The Hideaway House
A dream was kindled in me a couple years ago. It didn't originate with me, I can't take credit for it's birth. The match was struck by...

Bex & Gracie :: Girls Who Gram
As an artist, occassionally you can start feeling isolated, alone, and like all your doing is producing. Perhaps this is just an...

Woodsen + Danica :: Lifestyle
"Love is a touch of friendship and a handful of dreams." R. M. Drake One fresh, autumn morning I arrived at Woodsen and Danica's to peer...

Big A + Lil A :: Wedding
"Where there is great love, there is ALWAYS miracles." - Willa Cather Labor Day weekend I packed up with my pal Hannah Steck headed to...

Giving Away Strands of My Life
I went to a small Bible school lost in the cornfields of Ohio, Cedarville University. A loose thread, faded in some spots and busily...

Guys, Please Don't Get the Wrong Impression (part 2)
I believe God is calling us out, asking men and women to step into who he designed us to be. Fiercely fighting for us to allow him to...

Guys, Please Don't Get the Wrong Impression (part 1)
“In the days when the judges ruled there was famine in the land…” – Ruth 1:1 Some days I feel like I live in the days of the Judges. I...

Align My Life - The Affections of My Wayward Heart
Confession: My heart is wayward. As wayward as they come. I’d love to say it is constant, faithful, loyal, and steadfast to what I know...